Getting Started(old)

This tutorial shows how to build and run ARCS6 on AlmaLinux using Docker.


The purpose of this tutorial is to give you a quick experience with ARCS6.

Note that ARCS6 should actually run on a physical machine, not Docker or a virtual machine.

This tutorial shows how to build and run ARCS6 on AlmaLinux using Docker. The purpose of this tutorial is to give you a quick experience with ARCS6. Note that ARCS6 should actually run on a physical machine, not Docker or a virtual machine.


This tutorial assumes that the following software is installed.

  • Docker
  • Git

Create a workspace

Run the following command in the terminal to create a workspace.

  1. $ mkdir hello-arcs6
  2. $ cd hello-arcs6
  3. $ mkdir src

Start a container

Run the following command in the terminal to start an AlmaLinux container.

  1. $ docker run -it --name arcs6 -v `pwd`/src:/root/src almalinux /bin/bash

Install packages

Run the following command in the container to install the packages necessary for building ARCS6.

  1. $ yum install -y make gcc gcc-c++
  2. $ yum install -y ncurses* libncurses* libpng* kernel-devel

Get the source code

Run the following command in the terminal (not in the container) to get the ARCS6 source code.

  1. $ cd src
  2. $ git clone arcs6

Run the following command on the container to build ARCS6 from the source code.

  1. $ cd /root/src/arcs6/ARCS6/robot/sample/00_空の基本コード/
  2. $ make

Start ARCS6

Run the following command on the container to start ARCS6.

  1. $ ./ARCS

When ARCS6 starts successfully, the following screen will be displayed.


Next step

Please read the documentation for detailed usage.